Wednesday, January 4, 2023

2023 Goals

I did it! I made the year 2022 about ME. My goals was really just one big singular goal which was to work on my insecurities. There was two very physical ones that I was really narrowing my efforts on. One might seem super silly but it's king of a big deal to me. My eyebrows haha. I haven't had full eyebrows since I was in high school. There's a whole story that goes into why they were the way they were but I won't go into that haha, but this year I finally did something about it and grew them back. I know that sounds so dumb but it was always an insecurity of mine and it didn't help that it was right on my face. My other big accomplish was losing over thirty pounds. It was consistent hard work and I'm so proud of myself. I knew I started last year off saying I was in a place where I was okay with myself and loved myself but now that place is even better for me. 

This year I'm going to look outward and work on my relationship with others. Instead of it being a selfish year it's going to be a selfless year and I'm equally excited about doing that. I feel capable and eager to do so. I think I really needed to take a year where I didn't have my goals in so many different areas because I really needed to first take care of some personal goals that I wasn't really 100 percent all in before. I'm very ready to now make 2023 a year about others while also still working on myself of course.

2023 GOALS

-       Study Come Follow Me Individually
-    Read The Book of Mormon
-       Have weekly gospel discussions with the kids throughout the week


-       Say yes to others reaching out for help
-       Have a personal girl's night out monthly


-       Read 15 books this year
-       Practice Portuguese and relearn the language


-       Work out 5x a week
-       Lose ten more pounds

This year I want to give. I want to give my time, my love, my service to anyone and everyone in need. Moving to Texas has really brought us a lot of new and close relationships and friendships and I really want to continue growing on that. I've been lucky enough to have a lot of friends reach out asking for help watching their kids or the missionaries calling and asking if they can come over for dinner. I have found that I really do like saying yes. I think it helped that I was in a good place myself and this year I don't want to lose that. I want to still say yes. I want to help others. Losing my sister this past year has also helped me realize how important relationships are and the time we have with others. This year I want to work on my sibling relationships. I have so many people I love in my life and I want nothing more than to be close to them. Physically close is not an option at this time but I can still give of my time by reaching out and communicating to them that I love them and want to be close. That's what this year is really going to be about. Serving and loving all those in my life. It's going to be an awesome year. I can feel it.

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